Call for Abstracts

International Session

  • Abstract Submission
  • Edit Abstract

Abstract submission will start on December 17.

Submission Period

Thursday, December 17, 2015 - Friday, January 29, 2016
(12:00pm, Japan Time)


The 7th JPCA Annual Meeting Committee welcomes you to submit the abstract. A wide range of experts and students who are involved in the primary care will be invited for submission.

The topics includes; prevention, diagnosis, medical treatment, care, public health, education, policy, and research development.

For this session, the official language is English and no simultaneous translation will be provided.

Type of presentation

Oral 10 minutes presentation + 3minutes discussion
Poster Poster and 5 minutes oral presentation

Submission Guidelines

  1. All applications should be submitted online. The deadline for submission is January 29, 2016 noon Japan Standard Time(JST).
  2. The abstract must be submitted in English.
  3. The abstract must be submitted by the presenting author.
  4. The maximum word limit for title: 20 words
  5. The maximum word limit for abstract body: 250 words
  6. Please structure your abstract using the following headings.
    Original Investigation: [Objectives], [Methods], [Results] and [Conclusions]
    Case Report: [Introduction], [Case] and [Discussion]
  7. The Abstract must NOT contain tables, graphs or images.
  8. The maximum number of authors allowed (first author and co-author(s)): 15
  9. The maximum number of authors’ affiliations allowed: 10
  10. Please do not use specific name or information to identify an individual.
  11. After the submission, the secretariat will have no responsibility for proofreading, recorrection and so on. Please make sure that all information is correct before submitting.
  12. After the submission, secretariat will send you confirmation e-mail. If you do not receive it within three business days, please contact the secretariat.

Feel free to contact the secretariat for any questions!
We are looking forward to your submissions!


C/O Convention Linkage, Inc.
Sanbancho KS Bldg., 2 Sanbancho,
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0075, JAPAN
TEL: +81-3-3263-8688 / FAX: +81-3-3263-8693

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